Lapsang Souchong



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Lapsang Souchong Tea

Indulge in the captivating allure of our Lapsang Souchong Tea, a distinguished black tea celebrated for its unique flavor and aromatic profile. Originating from the pristine Wu Yi Shan region of Fujian Province, China, Lapsang Souchong is not just a tea; it’s an experience steeped in tradition and artistry.

A Journey of Flavor

What sets our Lapsang Souchong apart is its exquisite balance of flavors. This tea features:

  • Premium Fujian Black Tea: Handpicked from the renowned Wuyi harvest area, our black tea leaves are carefully processed to preserve their rich character and natural sweetness.
  • Longan Fruit Flavor: Infused with hints of Longan, a deliciously sweet Chinese fruit, this blend adds a subtle layer of complexity that enhances the overall tasting experience.

The leaves are expertly dried over fragrant pine log fires, imparting a mild smoky flavor that is both inviting and sophisticated. Unlike some Lapsang varieties that can overwhelm the palate with an intense smokiness, our blend offers a masterfully balanced profile that allows the natural sweetness of the tea and Longan to shine through.

The Art of Smoking Tea

The unique smoking process not only creates the tea’s signature aroma but also connects you to centuries of tea-making heritage. While others may describe their Lapsang as reminiscent of a tea warehouse fire, our blend boasts a refined smokiness that invites you to savor its subtleties rather than overpowering your senses. This careful craftsmanship ensures that every cup is a delightful journey through the lush landscapes of Fujian.

Appearance and Aroma

Visually striking, the dark, twisted leaves of Lapsang Souchong brew into a stunning deep red infusion. As you steep this tea, you’ll be greeted by a smooth, smoky aroma, accented by the sweet undertones of Longan. The fragrant steam rising from your cup offers a tantalizing preview of the delightful flavors waiting to unfold.

Brewing Tips for the Perfect Cup

To fully enjoy the nuances of our Lapsang Souchong Tea, follow these brewing recommendations:

  1. Water Quality: Start with your favorite spring or filtered water for the best flavor.
  2. Temperature: Heat the water to just off the boil—approximately 210°F (99°C)—or let it rest for about a minute after boiling.
  3. Tea Measurement: Use 1 teaspoon (3g) for a standard 6oz serving. For denser leaves, this may be about 1 teaspoon, while larger-leaf teas may require up to 2 tablespoons.
  4. Personalize Your Brew: Experiment with steeping times, tea amounts, and water temperatures to discover your ideal flavor profile. Remember to rely on taste rather than color; lengthen steeping times for additional infusions to unlock new layers of flavor.

A Tradition of Excellence

Only tea harvested from the Wuyi Mountains qualifies as Zheng Shan, or “Original Mountain” class, highlighting our commitment to offering an authentic Lapsang Souchong experience. Each cup of our tea not only reflects the rich heritage of Chinese tea culture but also invites you to be part of a timeless tradition. Elevate your tea-drinking ritual with our exquisite Lapsang Souchong Tea, where the enchanting flavors of Longan and the gentle smokiness create a truly unique experience. Savor the warmth and comfort of this remarkable blend and let it transport you to the serene landscapes of Fujian with every sip. Enjoy the journey!

Indulge in the captivating allure of our Lapsang Souchong Tea, a distinguished black tea celebrated for its unique flavor and aromatic profile. Originating from the pristine Wu Yi Shan region of Fujian Province, China, Lapsang Souchong is not just a tea; it’s an experience steeped in tradition and artistry.

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